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No man is an Island - By Lydia Fraser

Writer's picture: Lydia FraserLydia Fraser

I just read Nick Cave's Red Hand File post which brought me tears, heart wrenching droplets that cleanse the soul. Nick is a shadow magician who mysteriously works his way into the depths of your being with his words. He is a ‘connector’, defined by his talent in connecting with others through his music and poetic nature.

My friend Pamela, who holds the warm presence of safety, is also a ‘connector’, she introduced me to the artistry of this strange man many years ago. Initially I thought the darkness of his art had an air of despondency. I saw him in concert which changed my perception. He weaved his magic through the power of word and song, gifting his audience with a life affirming experience. The sensory skill to move peoples' souls, can only be done by those who have mastered the ability to confront the darkness, while seeing the beauty in the world. Our light is hidden in our darkness, this is Nick's offering. My error of judgment failed to see the light in this man. I placed him in the too weird basket, ironically that's where most people would place me!

My weirdness relates to my hermit lifestyle and reclusive nature, so I would not call myself a ‘connector’ to others, I'm certainly flawed in that area. However, my socially inept traits, help me to function in the observer mode. This has gifted me the capacity to teach others how to connect with themselves, and their self-healing capabilities.

Connection is essential to our wellbeing... The detrimental effects of modern living have left many of us in positions of isolation .... Although true connection is different from habitual socialising (where we are seeking self-fulfillment through the company of others). Suffice to say co-dependence does not serve inter-dependence.

"No man is an Island", the poem written by John Donne is a composition that relates to connection and loss. The same subject matter that Nick Cave speaks to. Living on Magnetic Island teaches the importance of both. It holds the genuine kindness of connectivity, while supporting those who have been impacted by loss. I have never before witnessed such a safety net like the one that exists on this Island.

For a secluded soul like me, the Island folk make me feel included... "Weirdos are welcome here". My sense of inclusion is greatly contributed to the fact that Georgina my ‘connector’ friend has dragged me out from under my flat rock to partake in events. Her ability to create connections with others is a high value skill, that many appreciate, and most importantly it has been so much fun! I have experienced belly laughs with people sharing life's comical stories. With gracious ears I have heard the wisdom of personal experiences that people generously offer, and developed meaningful connections through listening to the tragedies of others... The things that bring both sobering authenticity and pleasure to the soul.

My sister and I say, "Small things are big things", meaning the small intricacies of life can often hold the biggest lessons. Magnetic Island is small, but wow does she provide big impactful lessons. Her magnification properties and lack of distractions fine tune and adjust the lens towards self-reflection. From the wise words of my son... "You face your own soul here". If you don't drink from the soul of this place, she'll end up driving you to drink!

The healing power and beauty of this land serves the inner state of self-reflection when you connect with her. She has allowed me to 'see' that my unintentional aloofness does me a great injustice. It has served as a protection against others. Sometimes of course self-protection is needed to refuel the spirit. Cultivating healthy connections not only serves the human heart, but it is an evolutionary requirement.  Now I share unguarded moments of innocence and playfulness with my cherished connections on this beautiful landscape known as Yenbenun (Magnetic Island).

The connectivity of our heart strings is like the mycelium of mushrooms and fungi. These are the strings that bind to strengthen. We can nourish and give sustenance when we endeavor to connect through the magnetic pulse of love. This is not the self-serving agenda kind of love, it is love that is in service not only to humanity, but to all life. We are in the uncertain times of fatalistic challenges and our fate will lie in the certainty that is gained through the strength of our connections.

We are on the precipice of social change. A system of connection will be forged through collapsed systems that are unsustainable. Life’s intelligence will override the discombobulated structures that defy the symbiotic laws of nature. I see Magnetic Island as a naturally occurring social experiment who is in sync with this evolutionary change. LOVE lives here, that is why I was drawn here, to heal the innocence of my heart, and be governed by the loving support of connection, not by societal laws that do not serve wholistic nature of life. Through the continuous healing of the human heart may we all be in service to the curative power of LOVE... ❤️

No man is an island,

Entire of itself;

Every man is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is the less,

As well as if a promontory were:

As well as if a manor of thy friend’s

Or of thine own were.

Any man’s death diminishes me,

Because I am involved in mankind.

And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls.

It tolls for thee.

(By John Donne, published in 1624)

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